What do you think about this?

mmkng and stray dog

mmkng and stray dog

Click me, click me, click me!

No, no, I really don’t want you to like this or to comment. I have started to get accustomed to talking to myself. And therefore, also writing to myself, so you can simply read this or not.

It’s okay, I won’t mind. I know there are people who will share it though and I really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Homeless people would not be homeless and beggars, if they had jobs. Nobody wants to hire homeless people. They have been outcast at some point and don’t get the chance to get back on their feet. They have had jobs, homes, families. Not anymore. They keep crawling like babies and can’t do anything about it. The decision, whether anyone should be blamed for a bad habit, decision or a bad faith should not be ours to take. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Many might repent their past and still not being given a second chance. Many might not have met tolerant, loving, caring people to support them. Many might have gone through dramas, many might have been defenestrated and many might not have had the strength to fight back. That doesn’t make them less human than the others. Please, do read this trough and you won’t regret doing so. Then donate and/or spread the word and you’ll be fond of me, seeing the updates!

To see the campaign, Click me, click me, click me!


$6: Donators’ Name Plate in front of the house
You’ll enter eternity through having your name on the Donators’ Name Plate which we will put in front of the house. And believe me, you will feel good! I want the house to belong to the foundation on April Fools’ Day. Why? Because I don’t like joking with serious things.
$12: Personalized Christmas eCard
Your name on the above mentioned Donators’ Name Plate PLUS a personalized Christmas eCard, made by and from mmkng, with love.
$16: Personalized physical Christmas Card
Everything above PLUS the personalized physical Christmas Card
$26: A video ofย  mmkng, saying thank you
Everything above PLUS one video with the person behind mmkng, saying thank you. There won’t be 2 videos alike. Each of you will get a personalized thank you video. Okay, maybe the words shall be quite the same, but I will record as many videos as you are and personalize them.
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation ๐Ÿ™‚
$56: Jar with handmade sugar shapes
Everything above PLUS one lovely jar with handmade sugar shapes. The sugar used is raw sugar, so I think I convinced you with this ๐Ÿ™‚ Let yourselves surprised by the shapes. It won’t be only one.
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the sugar shapes just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package.
$106: Set of 3 handmade candles in lovely shapes
Everything above PLUS a set of 3 handmade candles in different shapes. They’re lovely and smell very Christmas like ๐Ÿ™‚
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the gift just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package. If you really decide that you want your personal no name cook for a day, just buy that plane ticket! Note: It would be very difficult to bring me to the USA or Canada, since the visa obtaining process can take an eternity, so watch out what you wish for.
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the gift just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package.
$306: Set of 3 different fragrance soaps
Everything above PLUS a set of 3 soaps which come in different fragrances, as well handmade, on glycerin basis. No allergies! With extra virgin olive oil. Smooth and pampering for your skin.
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the gift just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package.
$570: A 3 coffee cup candles set
Everything above PLUS the ingenious 3 coffee cup candles set. And after burning the candles, you’ll also be the proud owner of a 3 coffee cup set. Isn’t this great? Okay, if you have that much money as to donate 570 dollars, you’ll most likely use them as your cat’s, bird’s, hamster’s or other little pet’s you might have disposable water bowls, but since I love animals, I would love it ๐Ÿ™‚
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the gift just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package.
$1006: A jar with ingredients for one recipe of your choice: bread in a jar, cookies in a jar, or pasta in a jar
Everything above PLUSย a jar with ingredients for one recipe of your choice: bread in a jar, cookies in a jar, or pasta in a jar. Recipes are great and somehow adapted by the undersigned. Let yourselves pleasantly surprised. You will love them. But it’s most likely that since you have this much money to donate for a noble cause, you won’t have the time to cook them. Well, in this case, you could give them as a gift to someone, or just buy me a plane ticket and ask me to come and cook for you. I really know how to cook, you know?
You’ll receive your gifts December 25, 2012, the video tough immediately after you make your donation :), the gift just as much it takes after you making the donation, to send you this lovely package. Should you decide that you want to have your personal no name cook for a day, just buy that ticket! Please note though: if you live in the USA or Canada, you should take into consideration that the visa obtaining process can last an eternity, so don’t get too enthusiastic about it.
$48,575: Not a single clue – you give, I start guessing?
Well, if you donate that much money, it means you are:

Carlos Slim Helu & family or

Bill Gates or

Warren Buffett or

Bernard Arnauld or

Amancio Ortega or

any person on this list: http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/

– no offense to anyone not in the list above, but still having this money to give away, but I really can’t figure out how to name you all so that nobody gets angry, so I’ve decided to name only the 5 top listed billionaires ๐Ÿ˜€ –

Concluding, I don’t really know what I could do for you, what I could give you as a thank you so very much for helping me with this donation gift, but you could give me some ideas and I’ll do my best.

until I find you, or you somehow get redirected here, this is for you

Ah, I had almost forgot to tell you, there’s no container involved!ย  I don’t need to buy or built something for myself to be happy. I really don’t. I only have to work very hard to keep this project going and then I will most probably afford to pay the rent and send my daughter to school and pay the bills and have something to eat and just live a normal, happy life, knowing that these people will also have the normal lives that every single person deserves.


so, Click me, click me, click me!

if you want to read it all ๐Ÿ˜€